Watching porn movies as a couple can be an exciting and highly erotic experience, but it can also be funny or even ridiculous. Why we do it and what to expect from it are two keys that will make it whatever it is, have a good time and be positive.
Is it a sign that something is wrong?
Porn doesn’t have a very good reputation: we often demonize the consumption of porn movies, and the media, for example, tend to focus on its negative effects.
This scenario leads many people, faced with the demand of their partners to watch porn movies together, to think that something is wrong.
But do not be alarmed, that is not necessarily the case. That your partner wants to watch porn videos with you does not mean that :
- Don’t be comfortable with your sex life.
- Don’t be exciting enough.
- It is a sign that he is “depraved” (I put this expression because sometimes we hear it in consultation, so you can get an idea of the beliefs that other people have).
- You need “more”.
- Get “addicted” to porn.
Something similar happens, for example, with the subject of masturbation: many people today retain the idea (myth, actually) that masturbation is a substitute for “real sex”, that being in a relationship is not necessary practice it and that, if it is done, it is a sign that something is wrong.
But masturbating is not only not negative, but it is something very healthy, desirable and wonderful, whether or not you have a partner. Well, the same thing happens with porn, saving the distances.
Porn is a way of arousal as legal as any other, and within the framework of a healthy relationship it can be a most “entertaining” activity on a sexual level, without further implications or complications.
Why it can be positive to watch porn movies as a couple
- It is a way of introducing variety in our sexual life.
- It is a source of excitement that, in this case, when shared, enhances desire even more.
- It can serve to “get ideas”, both postures, role plays…
- It is a way to explain some specific request : sometimes in consultation, when we work as a couple, we recommend that they watch free porn movies together for a purely “educational” reason. And no, it is not because porn is the best sex school, but because it is graphic and sometimes helps certain people to visually explain to their partner what they would like to do -or have them do to them.
- It can serve to feed your fantasies (and fantasies are our friends).
- It is a way of sharing with our partner something that excites us, and something intimate, therefore it is a form of mutual knowledge, it is intimacy.
Why do you want to do it?
This question, which may seem platitude, is actually important. Sometimes we do things without knowing why, or with a “visible” motivation that actually hides other “less positive” aspects.
If you want to watch porn movies with your partner because you find it exciting, to introduce changes in your sexual life, to do something new, go ahead, perfect.
But if what leads you to consider it is a blunt demand, the desire to please or for fear that the other person will get frustrated if we don’t do it… better stop and think about it before doing it, because it would be indicating to us that something is wrong Good relationship level.
Relationships need honesty and trust to work, to make us feel good. If we are not able to confront certain issues with our partner, it is because something is failing in communication .
In the sexual sphere, what is forced is not valid , it does not work, nor is it desirable or positive on an emotional level to do something with which we do not feel comfortable. And it is one thing to leave our comfort zone and another to do something that we dislike.
If our partner proposes something new to us, it may not be an option that we would contemplate at first, but… it makes us curious or we feel like trying. But if it’s a “no” from the start…
Find out your real motives. How much of what you want and how much of “it’s for your partner”?
What porn movies do you like
If you are going to watch free porn videos with your partner, it is important, like everything related to sex, that you know and be clear about what you like and what you don’t.
Have you ever seen a porn movie? If not, it might be a good idea, before watching it with your partner, to do it alone, to find out what excites you and what makes you repulse (in porn there are many variants, and some of the practices can be unpleasant, especially if you go to free portals where “there is everything”).
For example, there are many women who prefer lesbian porn movies, and not because they want to have sex with another woman, but because this type of scene focuses on oral sex practiced on women, for their pleasure, it is less aggressive…
Watch, play, try, and what excites you write it down or save the links. The experience will be much richer if what you see is meaningful, if it really is something you like and it gets you fired up.
What is it like to watch porn movies as a couple?
The cinema and our expectations can lead us to think of a highly erotic scenario, all passion and all sexy, but the reality may be very different.
- Many couples feel a bit “weird” when exposed to porn together for the first time, and that awkwardness makes the session anything but sexy.
- Others laugh (fruit of nerves).
- On other occasions, what a priori seemed like a totally hot idea to both of you , in reality it is not, and it simply does not work.
- But it can also happen that you get in tune and don’t watch more than five minutes, and the xxx video stays in the background… while you’re the ones who give it your all.
The best policy always when it comes to sexuality, is to be flexible and go with an open mind to the experience, and to be able to be, since we are, with a playful spirit.
What is the end goal?
The objective is always that you have a good time together, that you enjoy some time of intimacy and that it serves to get to know each other a little better. And this goal can be achieved with a very intense, serious and passionate session or with a bit of laughter because the protagonists of what you see more than porn seem to be in the Cirque du Soleil.
Talk before, during and after the session. Share your sensations, emotions, everything that you consider important. With this , the experience will become even more transcendent, you will be able to learn from it, it will unite you more. Because talking about sex, our sex, as a couple, is always positive.
So you know, don’t lose sight of your goal, that will make it come out as it comes out, whatever happens, you have a good time and that is -very- worth it.